31 May 2018

X Country

 What a fabulous day we had at x country yesterday! The sun was shining and Kereru students were raring to go. 
Some of our students got a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th placing and will go through to the regional competition next Wednesday so congratulations to;
Scarlet 1st place, 9 year old girls
Ayla 1st place, 10 year old girls
Elizabeth 2nd place, 10 year old girls
Alice and Bella 3rd equal place, 10 year old girls
Ben 1st place, 10 year old boys
Elijah I 3rd place, 10 year old boys
Well done to everyone for participating and giving it your very best 🏃


26 May 2018

Keeping Up With Kereru: Week 5

Monday: Homework Due
                  Fitness w/Bryone
Tuesday: Sport w/Kotuku
Wednesday: School  X Country @ Rabbit Island
                        Sausage Sizzle @ School $2 each
Thursday: STRIKE! Percussion Group Performance
Friday: School is open for learning with relief teachers for students who are at school today.
Have a MARVELous Week Everyone 😁

25 May 2018

School Cross Country

Saint Paul’s Cross Country
Wednesday 30 May @ Rabbit Island 9.45-12.30

Programme for the day
9.05 Organise / line up for buses
9.15 Buses leave for Rabbit Island
9.45 Year 7/8 races
10.15 5/6/7 yr old races
10.45 8/9/10/11 yr old races
11.45 Presentations
12.30 Return to School
All times are approximate and may change
Requirements for the day
All students must have suitable footwear, school P.E. gear, warm jacket/pants/hat 
You will also need snacks and a water bottle.
We will travel to and from Rabbit Island, as a school, by bus.  It is expected that all children
will travel to and from Rabbit Island by bus.
REMINDER: Sausages will be available for lunch back at school to raise funds for Dances in Schools sessions later in the year. $2 each
Have a Great Day Everyone!

Star of the Week

Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Finn.
Finn received the certificate for being a hard worker and for showing respect and kindness to those around him.
Great job Finn!

20 May 2018

Keeping Up With Kereru: Week 4

Reminder to have your full PE gear at school everyday. 
Thank you
Monday: Fitness w/Bryone
Tuesday: Sport w/Kotuku
Wednesday: Performing Arts
Friday: Shared Prayer
              News Groups
Have a fabulous week everyone!

Yanny or Laurel?

Kereru Class weighed in on the Yanni or Laurel debate and we did a survey to see who could here what. Here are our results (for the record, Ms Hampson and Miss Robinson both hear Yanni) 😉

13 May 2018

Keeping Up With Kereru: Week 3

Here's what's on this week 😀
Monday: Fitness w/Bryone
Tuesday: Sport w/Kotuku
Wednesday: Performing Arts
Thursday: School Powhiri @ Church
Friday: Shared Prayer
              News Groups
Have a great week everyone!

4 May 2018

Keeping Up With Kereru: Week 2

This week we welcome Miss Robinson, a student teacher, who will be in Kereru Class for the next seven weeks starting Monday 😀
Monday: Fitness w/Bodie
Tuesday: Sport w/Kotuku
Wednesday: Library
Thursday: Performing Arts
Friday: Shared Prayer
              News Groups
Have an awesome week everyone!