28 April 2015

Star of the Week!

Our first Star of the Week for Term 2 is Isla!
Isla always presents her work to a high standard and has super neat handwriting!
Well done Isla!

24 April 2015


This week we have been focusing most of our time on ANZAC Day.
We have listened to lots of stories and had lots of discussions about what ANZAC Day mean for us.
One reading group wrote short reports on what the NZ nurses did in WW1. Other students made poppies for our display and we all wrote acrostic poems using the word'ANZAC' and did poppy paintings.
Here are some photos of some of the work we have been doing.


16 April 2015

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back! It's Term 2!

I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday break with your families.
I have had a very relaxing holiday at home catching up on lots of little jobs that needed done around the house.
We have a very busy term ahead. We have lots of sports this term, a visit to the Suter Gallery to do some art, a visiting theatre group will be performing for us and we have two long weekends this term; ANZAC Day and Queen's Birthday!

On the first Friday back at school we will have a very special ANZAC service here at school.
              Your families and friends are invited to come along and join us.

2 April 2015

Star of the Week!

Our final Star of the Week for term one is Sarah!
Sarah always gives 100% to whatever she does whether it be academic, sport or even helping out in the classroom.
What a star!

Cleanest Class Award!

Each term our school cleaners choose a classroom that has been consistently clean and tidy throughout the term. 
Well done to Kereru Class kids for being awarded the Cleanest Class Award for Term One!
What a fantastic way to start our Easter holidays!

WW1 Dress Up

Today some of our students dressed up in clothing from the War period (both world wars)
We had a nurses uniform and a soldiers jacket.
The boys said the jacket was very scratchy and uncomfortable!