Saint Paul’s Cross Country
Tuesday 30 May @ Rabbit Island 9.45-12.30 (please note day/time may change)

Programme for the day
9.05 Organise / line up for buses
9.15 Buses leave for Rabbit Island
9.45 Round Robin + Races Begins
12.05 pm Round Robin + Races End
12.30 pm Return to School
Requirements for the day
All students must have suitable footwear, school P.E. gear, warm jacket/pants/hat
You will also need a packed lunch, snacks and a water bottle.
REMINDER: Sausages, Burgers and Baking will be available to buy. Please bring your pre-order to school on Monday.
We will travel to and from Rabbit Island, as a school, by bus. It is expected that all children
will travel to and from Rabbit Island by bus.
Have a Great Day!