30 October 2016

Touch Rugby Tournament

The tournament is on this Friday (all day)
Here is a list of things you will need to remember:
  • Plate of food for our visitors
  • Sunscreen 
  • Your PE Gear!
  • School hat (for when you are not playing a game)
  • You can play in bare feet or sneakersTrack pants (optional)
  • Water bottle (we will have a filling station in the area where you are playing)
  • Snacks and lunch or $5 for lunch pack (sausage sizzle, baking and juicy-no Subway this week)
It's going to be a fantastic day!!
Parents and friends all welcome!

Keeping Up With Kereru: Week 4

It's a busy week this week!
Monday: Shared Prayer
Tuesday: Touch Rugby Training
Wednesday: Visit to Suter Gallery
Thursday: Touch Rugby Training
                 Syndicate Topic Interchange
Friday: Top of the South Touch Rugby Tournament (please remember to bring a plate of food)
Have an awesome week!

25 October 2016

Operation Christmas Child

A HUGE thank you to the families who donated an item for our Christmas Child this year. 
You will really brighten up one little girl's (probably more) Christmas!

24 October 2016

Keeping Up With Kereru: Week 3

Monday: Labour Day Holiday
Tuesday: Touch Rugby Training w/Garin (Remember P.E Gear)
Wednesday: P.E (Athletics and Touch Training)
Thursday: Middle Syndicate 'Celebrations' inter-change
Friday: Sport w/Mrs McQuillan

18 October 2016

Touch Rugby Training

Each Tuesday morning for the first four weeks of term the Garin students are coming to school to coach the Year 5/6 students in touch rugby skills. The Garin students earn credit for their PE classes.
It's great to see some ex St Paul's students in the coaching team and enjoying being back!

14 October 2016

Operation Christmas Child

It's that time of year again!
This year Kereru students have chosen to collect gifts for a 5/6 year old girl.
Some ideas for gifts are;
Something to wear
Something to play with
Something for school
Something to love
Something special
Something for personal hygiene
Unfortunately we can't accept any pre-loved items.

A comprehensive list of suitable gift ideas can be found here;
Link to gift ideas for 5/6 year old girl (pdf)

For more information on Operation Christmas Child click on the following link;

Please send your gift to school by October 24
Thank you for supporting this wonderful programme.

Below is a video of some VERY excited (and loud!) children opening their Christmas boxes.

Keeping Up With Kereru: Week 2

Monday: Shared Prayer
Tuesday: Touch Rugby with Garin
Wednesday: Powhiri
Friday: Sport
             Teacher Only Afternoon
Have an awesome week!

8 October 2016

It's Term Four!

Welcome back! 
I hope you all enjoyed a fun, restful break and are ready for a busy Term 4!
Our furniture has arrived (most of it) and our classroom is looking very colourful and spacious.

We have a busy term ahead. 
Here is a list of important events in Term 4
Week 1: Touch Rugby training with Garin students (continues for four weeks)
Week 2: Friday 21October- Planning afternoon for teachers. Students may go home at
Week 3: Monday 24 October- Labour Day holiday.
Week 4: Wednesday 2 November- Suter Gallery visit #1
              Friday 4 November- Top of the South Touch Tournament Year 5-8 @ St Pauls
Week 6: Tuesday 15 November- School Athletics @ Saxton
Week 7: Swimming Week- Kereru time is 1.30-1.55 each day.
              Wednesday 23 November- Suter gallery visit #2 (Christmas Ceramics)
Week 8: Thursday 1 Dec (1.30-2.30) Middle Syndicate 'Celebration of Learning'
Week 10: Tuesday 13 December- Christmas Concert.
                Friday 16 December- End of year Mass.

Have an amazing term!