27 July 2014

Stepping Out Dance.

Last week we had a Hip Hop dance session with Ezra and Dean from Stepping Out Dance.
It was a lot of fun and we learnt a few new Hip Hop moves!




21 July 2014

Clyde - Official Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Mascot

The Commonwealth Games start this week in Glasgow, Scotland. The official mascot of The Games is a cheeky wee thistle named Clyde (I wonder if you know why he is named Clyde?)
Here is Clyde's story.........

2 July 2014


Today we went to see the play 'Rap-unzel' 
It was a lot of fun and we enjoyed how they twisted the fairytale around. There was Simon Cow and his talent show ‘A Land Far Far Away’s Got Talent With X Factor Idol’, a rapping Rap-unzel, a handsome Fresh Prince and lots of other fairytale characters. We really enjoyed it!



1 July 2014

Rod Dixon's Kid's Marathon

Congratulations to all of the Kereru students who participated in the Rod Dixon Marathon on Sunday. Everyone has put in such a huge effort at school with all the practise you have been doing leading up to the event.
Finishing is Winning....
Winning is Finishing.