24 September 2013

Have Some Paintball Fun

Do you want to play a game of Paint Ball?

Date Monday 28 Oct (Labour Day)       Time 2pm - 5pm
Cost $25 for game and 100 Paintballs - Child or Adult (Get your Mum or Dad to play as well)
Extra Paintball Rounds: 150 - $20, 100 - $18 or 50 - $12
Check out their website: www.paintballnelsonltd.co.nz

Please reply to Etna Davies 027 5151501 or Conor at School by 18Oct.

Money will need to be paid by 18 Oct to secure a place.

19 September 2013

Pillows & Blankies & Milo & Cookies & Books & Stuff

We had a great morning today.
We came to school wearing our 'snuggle up with a book' clothes and started the day creating 'Book Trailers' (using iMovie) on the iPads. Kind of like movie trailers but about our favourite books.
Mr Turnhout from Tui Class (our buddy class) visited us and read a story and Ms Hampson went to read a book to Tui Class.
When Ms Hampson came back we played 'Book Musical Chairs' it's like regular musical chairs but with books. We got to look at and read a little bit from lots of different kinds of books.
Then we went back into our classroom for Milo and cookies and some quiet reading time.
Here are some photos of our morning and three of our Book Trailers.

Book Trailer: 'The Mortal Instruments' By Vanessa and Laura

 Book Trailer: 'EJ12 Out of This World Spy' By Lauren and Georgia  

Book Trailer: 'Cherub' By Eva and Anahera

13 September 2013

Senior School Science Fair

Kea Class did a fantastic job on their science investigations. The judges thought so too with Heidi and Jono gaining FIRST place in the Year 6 group with their Popping Popcorn investigation. Dylan D, also a Yr 6, gained second place. Wouter earned a Merit award for his investigation into 'Dissolving' Congratulations to all students in Kea Class.

Remembering 911

Last week was the 12th anniversary of the 911 attacks in America.
One of our homework tasks was to find out information about the attacks and present our findings in a creative way.
Here are Liam and Stella's slideshows and Georgia's Pic Collage

12 September 2013


The second of our three walks will be next Wednesday (September 18)
Here is a reminder of the gear you will need. Please start getting it together now. Don't leave it until the night before.

Please note that we will not be taking students who do not have the correct gear.  
Day pack - this needs to be a small back pack (school use back packs are fine)
  • Sturdy shoes/sneakers and socks (no jandals, sandals, ballet flats or other thin soled shoes)
  • Shorts or suitable pants to be walking in, 
  • T-shirt 
  • Spare pair of socks.
Also bring:
  • Polypro long sleeve top
  • Polar fleece
  • Wet weather jacket
  • Sunhat.
  • Woolly hat
  • Gloves
Morning tea/lunch, drink bottle, scroggin or other cereals/high carbohydrate snacks

It will be a great day so please remember to bring everything you need.

5 September 2013

Kea Class Speech Winners

Congratulations to Eva, Stella and Alisha our Year 7 class speech winners and to Dylan and Georgina our Year 6 winners. All went through to the Senior School Speech Contest on Wednesday.
Dylan was chosen to go through to the Year 6 Interschool Contest next week.